Hekate’s Ward: Bind and Banish

The shadows linger, tendrils of negativity entwined around the edges of your life. This person, this situation, a venomous thorn lodged in your flesh. You’ve endured, but patience bleeds dry. Tonight, in the torch-lit heart of this ritual, you claim your power back. With Hekate as your guide and protector, you’ll sever the cord that binds you, casting banishment like a cleansing flame. No longer a puppet at the whim of darkness, you rise, your will ablaze, to purge your life of this person/situation and reclaim your right to joy, your right to thrive. Let the universe be your witness, the spoken words your decree: tonight, by her torch, her will, her power, the darkness ends. So mote it be!

Banishing rituals are a powerful form of magick that involve severing any connections or influences that are detrimental or unwanted in your life. They work best under a dark moon, a time of complete darkness and stillness in the sky. The dark moon enhances the power of your intention and the effectiveness of your ritual.

Before you start the ritual, you should be aware that banishing rituals require a lot of focus, intention, and protection. That’s why it is essential to cleanse your tools and your space before you use them in the ritual. Cleansing your tools and your space removes any negative or unwanted energies that may interfere with your ritual. By cleansing your tools and your space, you are also opening them up to become the tools of Hekate’s power.

(You may also want to cast a circle around your space for extra protection and safety, especially if you are unsure or very new to magick. Use your intuition to determine if it’s necessary for your situation.)

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • A black candle
  • A needle
  • Some black string or thread
  • Incense (myrrh, frankincense, or dragon’s blood)
  • A clove of garlic
  • A pen and paper
  • A fire-safe dish or bowl
  • An offering

To begin, you must first cleanse your space using the incense that you have chosen for the ritual. Light the incense and use its cleansing smoke to purify yourself and the space where you will perform the ritual. Say:

“I cleanse myself and this space with the sacred smoke of (name of the incense). I remove any negative or unwanted energies that may interfere with my ritual. I create a sacred and protected space for my work with Hekate.”

Then, to cleanse your tools, you can use the same incense or a different one, depending on your preference. Take each item that you will use in the ritual and pass it through the incense smoke. As you do so, say:

“I cleanse this (name of the item) with the sacred smoke of (name of the incense). I dedicate this (name of the item) to Hekate, the goddess of magick and crossroads. I open this (name of the item) to become a tool of Hekate’s power. May it serve me well in this ritual.”

Using the needle, carve the symbol of a key ( 🗝️ ) into the candle. The key represents Hekate’s power to unlock the gates between realms and to grant access to hidden knowledge and mysteries.

Take the pen and the paper and write the name of the person or the situation that is causing you harm or negativity on the paper. Be as specific as possible. If you are banishing a person, you can write their full name, their date of birth, their physical description, or anything else that identifies them. If you are banishing a situation, you can write the details of the situation, the date it started, the effects it has on you, or anything else that describes it.

Place the paper in front of the candle and say:

“By my word, I swear that this person/situation is causing me harm or negativity. They/it have violated my boundaries, my rights, and my well-being. They/it have brought me pain, suffering, and distress. This is the source of my problem. This is what I want to banish from my life.”

Close your eyes and breathe deeply, letting go of any tension or stress. Feel yourself becoming calm and centered, ready to connect with Hekate. When you are relaxed and grounded, light the candle, and then call upon Hekate with these words:

“In the hushed air, as flames cast their dancing shadows, I call upon you, Hekate, Queen of the Crossroads and Keeper of the Keys, by your sacred names.

Hekate Apotropaia, turn your blazing torch towards me, deflect the poisoned arrows of harm. Banish all negativity that seeks to cling, let your brilliance be my shield against unseen dangers.

Hekate Alexeatis, wrap your cloak of protection around me, weave a sanctuary against voices of discord and shadows that gnaw. Be my fortress, my refuge from the storms of fear and doubt.

Hekate Amaimaketos, fill me with your fiery essence, let your courage flow through my veins like molten gold. Grant me your unwavering strength, the will to rise above any challenge, to claim my victory in the face of darkness.

Hekate Chthonia, mistress of the hidden depths, grant me passage through the shadows within. Guide me on a journey of self-discovery, illuminate the buried truths that yearn to be unearthed.

Hekate Enodia, stand beside me at this crossroads of fate. With your discerning gaze, show me the path that leads towards growth and fulfillment. Guide my steps through every twist and turn, towards the dawning light.

Hekate Phosphoros, torchbearer of the night, kindle your flame within my heart. Let your wisdom be my guiding light, dispelling confusion and ignorance. Show me the true nature of things, reveal the hidden beauty that shines even in the darkest corners.

Hekate Triodia, witness my journey at this sacred intersection. See my vulnerabilities, acknowledge my struggles, and celebrate my triumphs. In your presence, I stand open and true, seeking your guidance and unwavering grace.

Hear me, Hekate! May your blazing torch scour the shadows that cling to me, banishing the negativity and harm this situation has wrought. Grant me your protection, your strength, your wisdom. Guide me through the crossroads, illuminate the path ahead, and empower me to rise from the ashes of this hardship, reborn and renewed. May your light be my compass, your strength my shield, and your wisdom my guide.”

Take the clove of garlic and place it on the paper with the name on it. Fold the paper over the garlic and say:

“With this garlic, from the garden of Hekate’s power, I cover the name of the person/situation that brings me harm or negativity. With this garlic, from the garden of Hekate’s power, I lock away their power and their influence over me. Ancient herb, of Hekate’s garden, dissolve their effect and their presence in my life.”

Take the black string or thread and wrap it around the folded paper with the garlic. As you do so, say:

“I bind you, with the thread of Hekate’s authority, from causing me harm or negativity. I bind you, with the thread of Hekate’s force, from affecting me in any way. I bind you, with the thread of Hekate’s influence, from interfering with my life. I bind you, with the thread of Hekate’s control, from harming me or anyone else.”

Tie three knots on the string or thread, one for each sentence. As you tie each knot, say:

“By the strength of Hekate and my will, you are bound! By the power of Hekate and my will, you are bound! By the authority of Hekate and my will, you are bound!”

Take the needle and pierce the paper with it through the garlic clove inside three times. As you do so, say:

“I pierce you with Hekate’s torch, may she pierce your harmful actions with her light. I pierce you with Hekate’s key, may she pierce your harmful influence with her authority. I pierce you with Hekate’s dagger, may she pierce your harmful presence with her power.”

Carefully light the paper on fire using the candle flame and place it into a fire-safe dish. As the paper burns, say:

“As this paper turns to ash, your power over me is burned by Hekate’s fire. As this paper turns to ash, your influence over me is destroyed by Hekate’s might. As this paper turns to ash, your presence in my life is erased by Hekate’s will. As this paper turns to ash, you are banished from my life by Hekate’s authority.”

Make sure the paper with the name on it has turned to ashes. Take the ashes and the burnt clove of garlic and bury them outside, preferably at a crossroad or a place where you will not see them again. As you bury them, say:

“I bury you in the earth, where you will be forgotten and powerless. I bury you in the earth, where you will be out of my sight and out of my mind. I bury you in the earth, where you will be under the rule of Hekate and her will. I bury you in the earth, where you can no longer harm me or anyone else.”

Once fully buried, place your left hand over the burial site, and hold your right hand up to the sky with your palm facing the heavens. Utter these words with power and conviction:

“Beneath the watchful gaze of Hekate, I let go of your hold on me. Her wisdom guides me, her power shields me. You cannot penetrate her darkness, your influence dissipates like smoke in the wind. You cannot escape her justice, your fate is sealed by her will. You cannot harm me or anyone else, your actions are reversed by her law. You cannot reach me or touch me, your presence is banished by her word. Hail Hekate!”

Return to the black candle and take a few moments to reflect on the situation and the ritual you have performed. Feel the strength and the power that arise from the union of your will and Hekate’s will. Feel the guidance, the protection, and the strength that Hekate has given you. Know that this person or situation is no longer a barrier to the happiness in your life. Know that with Hekate’s protection, you are free from this person or situation and that it can do you no more harm.

Place your thoughtfully chosen offering in front of the candle. Thank Hekate for her assistance and her guidance in the ritual. Say:

“Hekate, Mistress of Mysteries and Weaver of Fate, my heart overflows with gratitude for your unwavering support. You stood beside me as I confronted the darkness, shielded me with your obsidian wings, and empowered me to vanquish the shadows that threatened to consume me. The scars of struggle have become badges of honor, the echoes of fear transformed into voices of resilience, all thanks to your guiding hand. This offering, chosen with care, is a humble token of my deepest respect and enduring devotion. It carries within it the echoes of my journey, the embers of my transformation, and the unwavering flame of my gratitude. May it find its place within your sacred realm, a testament to the bond forged through shared trials and triumphs. Hail Hekate, Queen of the Night, forever may your light illuminate my path!

You can either extinguish the candle or let it burn out completely to close the ritual. Avoid using the candle for anything else.

For additional protection from harm or negativity, you may want to consider performing some other rituals that can enhance your personal and home security. One of them is the Hekate’s Amulet ritual for personal protection, which involves creating a talisman that can shield you from negative energy and malicious influences. Another one is the Moonlight Guardian home protection ritual, which involves invoking Hekate, to cleanse your space and activate protective guardians.