Full Moon Cleansing: Release, Renew, & Rise!

As the full moon bathes the world in its silvery light, we embark on a sacred journey of cleansing and renewal. The world resonates with negativity, and its touch can linger on our spirits. Daily life, news, anxieties, addictive patterns, bad habits, and pervasive negative thoughts leave residues of darkness within us. Tonight, we call upon Hekate Borborophorba, Devourer of Filth, who purifies and transforms. We will release the negativity that clings to us, casting it into the depths where it will be consumed and dissolved. Then, bathed in the transformative light of the full moon, we will emerge lighter and renewed.

This ritual harnesses the potent energy of the full moon. In its fullness, the moon symbolizes completion and illumination, making it an ideal time to release what no longer serves you and bathe in its transformative light. This ritual is best performed on the night of the full moon but can be done a few days before or after if necessary. However, be aware that due to the powerful and transformative nature of this ritual, it must be performed in a space that’s quiet and without any distractions.

Tonight, we call upon a specific aspect of the goddess Hekate – Hekate Borborophorba, also known as the “Devourer of Filth.” She is said to dwell within the boundless sea of darkness, a powerful entity associated with purification and transformation. Hekate Borborophorba consumes negativity, addictions, anxieties, and anything else that hinders your spirit’s growth. Through this ritual, you will release these burdens to her depths, where they will be devoured and transmuted, allowing for renewal and a chance to step forward lighter and empowered.

This ritual incorporates meditation and visualization techniques to guide you through the process of releasing negativity and embracing renewal. While the visualization might seem intricate at first glance, reading through it a few times prior to performing the ritual will help you commit it to memory and fully immerse yourself in the experience.

Take some time to quiet your mind and settle your spirit. Focused intent will help you connect with the transformative power of the full moon and Hekate Borborophorba, the devourer of darkness and facilitator of change.

A Note of Caution: This ritual involves confronting the darkness within you, whatever form that darkness may take. It may not be a pleasant experience. While the ultimate goal is to vanquish this darkness, the process of focusing on it and giving it form can be triggering for sensitive individuals.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Black candle
  • White sage incense
  • Frankincense incense
  • An offering

To begin, on the night of a full moon, find a quiet, undisturbed space dedicated to this ritual. Dim the lights, allowing only the gentle glow of a candle to illuminate the area. This creates a sense of focus and allows you to fully immerse yourself in the transformative energy. Place a black candle in the center of your altar or workspace. Black is a powerful color for protection and purification, and the flame of this candle will symbolize the negativity you wish to release.

Light your white sage incense and cleanse the space with its smoke. Let the smoke fill every corner, purifying the area and preparing it for the ritual. As you do this, say:

As the smoke rises, may it carry away all that obscures my spirit, leaving space for renewal and clarity.”

Once you’ve cleansed your space, take a few moments to ground yourself and center your mind. Start with several deep, cleansing breaths. Inhale slowly through your nose, feeling your belly expand. Hold for a moment, then exhale completely through your mouth, releasing any tension you may carry. Repeat this cycle several times.

Once you feel calm and present, light the candle, focusing on its flame as it flickers to life. Let its light be a beacon for your inner release.

Then, close your eyes and allow your mind to quiet. Imagine yourself standing beneath the magnificent full moon, its light bathing you in its silvery glow. Feel its gentle warmth on your skin, a symbol of Hekate’s presence. Now open your eyes and call upon Hekate by saying:

“Hail Hekate, Queen of Crossroads, Keyholder of the Unseen Realms, I call upon you tonight. Grant me strength to descend into my own depths, and guide my release with your wisdom.

Hekate Borborophorba, Devourer of Filth, lend your purifying power to this work. From the abyss of my being, I call upon you! Rise from the unseen currents, where shadows take form. Mighty Eater of Darkness, with your gaping maw and cleansing hunger, consume the darkness that weighs upon me. Let these burdens dissolve in your embrace. Transform them into nourishment for my spirit, strength for my ascent.

Close your eyes and begin. Take a few deep, cleansing breaths. Feel the air travel down to your belly, filling it completely. Hold for a moment, then exhale slowly, releasing any tension you carry with each breath. Repeat this cycle three times, letting your body unwind and your mind settle inwards.

As you breathe, journey into your depths. Here, in the quiet stillness, acknowledge the darkness you seek to release. Give it shape, a physical form you can grasp. This darkness might be a cold, jagged stone slick with the tears of despair. Perhaps it’s a brittle bundle of rusted chains, each link representing the constraints of trauma. It might even be a decaying piece of wood, riddled with the holes of past wounds.

Focus on this embodiment of your pain and feel it in your hands. Is it heavy, weighing down upon you? Is it sharp, threatening to pierce your skin with old memories? Are there worn surfaces or tarnished edges that speak of its history?

Acknowledge the source of this darkness. Was it a single, devastating blow? Or is it the culmination of relentless suffering? Notice the marks it bears. See the cracks on the stone, tracing the fault lines of your hurt. Count the links on the chain – each one symbolizing a moment you felt trapped.

As you confront this tangible darkness, understand that it does not define you. It is a burden you carry, but it is not your essence. Hold this image in your mind. Feel this physical manifestation of your pain in your hands. The more vivid your visualization, the more power you lend to the release. When this embodiment of your darkness feels complete, when you hold the weight of your past hurts with a newfound resolve, you are ready to proceed to the next step.

Now, imagine yourself standing at the edge of a vast cliff overlooking a boundless, churning sea of darkness. The inky waves crash against the base of the cliff, their roar a relentless echo of all the old worries, lingering fears, the weight of past burdens, the grip of addictive patterns, the chains of bad habits, and the clouds of negative thoughts that plague your spirit.

Above this turbulent scene, the full moon hangs impossibly close, a massive, glowing orb. Its soft light casts long, silvered streaks across the dark, roiling waves. You feel the pull of both the moon and the sea, the darkness and the light.

As you gaze down at the turbulent sea, the inky darkness churns beneath the crashing waves. The faintest hint of movement catches your eye, a massive figure circling just beyond your sight. Its form remains elusive, a shadow among shadows, yet its presence resonates with fierce, primal power. This is the domain of Hekate Borborophorba, a being eternally eager to devour the darkness and transform it into something anew.

Suddenly, a sense of awareness prickles your skin. The circling motions below become more deliberate. The massive shape shifts closer as if sensing your presence, its anticipation growing. It knows a feeding is imminent, a darkness to be devoured… and you, with the tangible burden of your darkness in hand, feel an answering surge of eagerness. This is a power you hold now, the ability to banish that which weighs upon your spirit.

Now is the time to claim that power.

Visualize the objects you created representing the darkness you wish to shed. One by one, imagine yourself tossing them into the vast, dark sea. Speak out loud as you do this:

“I hurl this burden into the churning sea! This darkness that clouds my spirit, I banish it to the depths! The weight upon me, I sever its hold! Devour them, Hekate Borborophorba, and in their absence, let only light and power remain!”

As each item crashes into the surface, a surge of dark energy erupts, momentarily illuminating the churning water with a ghastly green glow. A deafening roar, echoing as if from another dimension, splits the air. Unseen tendrils erupt from the depths, their touch icy and electric. They snatch your darkness, twisting and absorbing the negativity. Before your eyes, it transforms into a radiant violet light, the embodiment of your newfound strength. The tendrils pulse and writhe as they feast upon the darkness, their ravenous hunger mirroring your own desire for release.

With each offering, a weight lifts from your shoulders, replaced by a warmth that blooms within your chest. A wave of relief washes over you, cleansing and invigorating. Clarity floods your mind as the memories of your burdens fade, subsumed by the vibrant light that now radiates from within. As the final offering vanishes into the churning embrace, the tendrils recede and the waves begin to calm, mirroring the profound tranquility that settles upon your spirit. It is the quiet after a storm, and you naturally draw your gaze upward.

Behold the full moon, its textured surface almost close enough to touch. The soft, ethereal glow that bathed the world moments ago now intensifies, focused into a single point. Suddenly, the moon shimmers as if a veil has been lifted, its glow subtly deepening. Across its surface, a magnificent key materializes, intricate and radiant with ancient power. This is not just any key, but Hekate’s own emblem, a sign of her presence and a reward for your perseverance. Having shed your burdens and witnessed their devouring, she offers you the very key of transformation.

The shimmering key upon the lunar surface burns with ever-increasing intensity, and the full moon itself echoes this radiance. It grows brighter and brighter until it seems to contract, focusing its immense power into a single, dazzling point of light. No longer simply a celestial object, the moon is now a beacon, pulsating as if in resonance with your own heartbeat. In a breathtaking arc, this luminous beacon streaks across the heavens, a comet crafted of pure lunar essence, and it hurtles directly towards you. It enters your chest with a rush of warmth, a sensation like the first rays of dawn after a long, dark night. Within you, a brilliant light begins to expand, mirroring the moon moments before – pure lunar energy radiating through your entire being.

Feel this light washing over you, coursing through your veins and illuminating every hidden corner. The negativity clings to this brightness, dissolving like mist in the morning sun. It is replaced by a sense of lightness, clarity, and renewal.

The light within becomes soft and diffuse, settling subtly into your body like a radiant mist. As it settles, the feeling of lightness and clarity intensifies. Your muscles soften and relax, as though a weight you hadn’t noticed had been lifted from your body. A cool breeze seems to wash over the spaces where the darkness once clung, leaving a gentle tingle on your skin. Like a flower bud that has patiently held its potential, you feel yourself begin to unfurl. Your shoulders fall back, your chest gently rises….ready to bloom.

Now, open your eyes. Feel the lightness within you, the boundless space where your negativity and darkness once dwelled, now shed and devoured. The purifying light of the full moon has cleansed you, washing away the shadows. You emerge renewed, a testament to your own resilience. New possibilities unfurl before you, illuminated by the strength you forged in the depths. Step forward, a transformed spirit, and witness the world anew.

As you bask in this newfound lightness, light the frankincense incense as a specific offering to Hekate Borborophorba. As the fragrant smoke rises, focus your intention on gratitude and respect for the purifying power she embodies. Say:

“Hekate Borborophorba, Devourer of Filth and Dweller of the Depths, I offer you this incense, its smoke a fragrant tribute that rises towards your dark domain. With this offering, I express my profound thanks for your power of cleansing and transformation. May this tribute be a testament to my unwavering respect for your presence and unwavering gratitude for your work.”

Then, place your offering before the candle and offer another prayer of thanks to Hekate and her aspect of Borborophorba. Say:

“Hekate, Goddess of Crossroads and Transformation, I am filled with gratitude for your presence in this sacred work. Tonight, beneath the watchful eye of the full moon, you have guided me through the shadows, offering strength to face the darkness within.

Hekate Borborophorba, Devourer of Filth, I stand in awe of your purifying power. You have consumed the burdens that weighed me down, the negativity that clouded my spirit. In your depths, they are transformed, released, and no longer have dominion over me.

With this humble offering, I express my deepest gratitude for your guidance and protection. As a token of my respect and a symbol of the transformation I’ve undergone, I freely give a part of myself to you.

Blessed be your transformative flame that burns within me, blessed be your wisdom that lights my path, blessed be, Hekate.”

To conclude the ritual, take a final deep breath and center yourself. If you have the opportunity to go outside into the dark under the full moon, do so. If not, it’s okay to do this where you are. Raise your hands to the sky and with clarity and conviction, declare to the universe:

“With the cleansing power of the full moon and the purifying fire of Hekate, I have released what no longer serves me! From this moment forward, I walk my path with clarity, renewed purpose, and unwavering strength, ready to embrace all that lies ahead!”

Let the candle and incense burn until they extinguish themselves. Take some time to journal about your experience or simply sit in the stillness of your cleansed state.

As the embers of this ritual fade, may the warmth of transformation continue to radiate within your heart. Hekate’s cleansing fire and the strength you’ve unearthed are forever woven into your spirit. Know that Hekate Borborophorba, Devourer of Filth, forever waits. Her eternal hunger is a beacon of hope in the darkness, an unwavering promise of renewal. Should shadows threaten to consume you, remember her presence and the transformative power she offers.

Remember, the full moon, a symbol of completion and new beginnings, will always grace the night sky. Just as the moon embraces its darkness, a necessary phase for renewal, so too can you return to this sacred practice whenever negativity clouds your spirit. This ritual is a source of transformation, and the power you’ve awakened is forever yours to wield.